marți, 18 iunie 2013

Shale gas,english version

      Hey ! I'm Crina and this is the english version of the article from above.Today I want to talk about nature/science,I hope the passionate persons about these will be satisfied about what I'll write.
       I'm sure you heard about the shale gas and about the possible improvement by using them.However if some don't know about what I talk,I'll explain.
       1.What is the shale gas ?
" Shale gas is natural gas that is found trapped within shale formations. Shale gas has become an increasingly important source of natural gas in the United States since the start of this century, and interest has spread to potential gas shales in the rest of the world." via wikipedia.
     Everything seem very great,even amazing because the human of the 21 century searches to reduce the poluation but .. 
       2.Is it safe ? Does it cause any harm to nature ?
" The extraction and use of shale gas can affect the environment through the leaking of extraction chemicals and waste into water supplies(10000 litres), the leaking of greenhouse gasses during extraction, and the pollution caused by the improper processing of natural gas. A challenge to preventing pollution is that shale gas extractions varies widely in this regard, even between different wells in the same project; the processes that reduce pollution sufficiently in one extraction may not be enough in another" via wikipedia.
        I don't want to seem exaggerated but I'll tell my opinion.Ok so,the shale gas is more ecological because it reduces the CO2 but only one extraction takes 10.000 litres of water.That's HUGE ! The Earth has 70,08 %,but still ! It's an important aspect but,the most important thing is the chance that rivers and everything can get polluted because of those chemicals.Therefore,energy would be produced but .. what about the water ,the essence of life?


             I think everyone would be happy to see such an "ecological" change  if they would find other way to extract this gas.For example,a way to reduce the cost of the water for only one extraction and a way to reduce the chance of pollution.For example,in my city they found shale gas ,and near our city we have the Barlad river.Let's imagine that during an extraction something would go wrong and the Barlad river would get polluted(if it will ever happen,I hope they'll have a plan B,but now I'll imagine a case when they wouldn't be prepared for a situation like this).Well,tbe Barlad river is the main tributary of the Siret river and that river is a tributary of the Danube.All the East/South East and probably South part of Romania would be affected.And as I said,if those guys wouldn't be prepared ..The Danube passes through or touches the borders of ten countries: Romania (29.0% of basin area), Hungary (11.6%), Serbia (10.2%), Austria (10.0%), Germany (7.0%), Bulgaria (5.9%), Slovakia (5.9%), Croatia (4.4%), Ukraine (3.8%), and Moldova (1.6%). Its drainage basin extends into nine more.
 This is only a scenary.I hope you'll like to read this article,they are simple opinions/scenaries
thought by me.I wait for your opinions/critics or whatever you think.Thank you,have a nice day ! Peace !

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